Church Membership Application

*Required fields

Applying For* (select one):


(If husband and wife are applying together, please place husband's name first.)

Applicant's Name*

Birth date* (DD/MM/YYYY)


Mailing Address

Plot Number/Location

Place of Employment

Home Phone

Work Phone

Cell Phone*

Email* (Please enter a valid email address.)


What is your marital status?*

If married, what is your anniversary date? (Please include year.)


Please Note: Those individuals 18 years of age and over who are seeking membership, including spouse of applicant, MUST attend a membership class and complete a membership application. Husbands and wives should fill out the membership application jointly.

Spouse's Name

Spouse's Birth date (DD/MM/YYYY)

Spouse's Place of Employment

Spouse's Work Phone

Spouse's Email

Is your spouse applying for membership with you?

Children's Names (Please include the age and birth date of each child, and only list those children under 17 years who will be included in your family membership.)

Other Children 17 years of age and over (Please include the age and birth date of each child.)


1. How long have you lived in Francistown?*

How long has your spouse lived in Francistown?

2. When did you first visit Light of the World Church and how were you introduced to our church?*

When did your spouse first visit Light of the World Church and how was your spouse introduced to our church?

3. Please list the churches you have been a part of, starting with your last church first. Please include church name, denomination, length of attendance and reason for leaving.

4. Please describe your conversion to Christ. Include any previous religious background and the events that led to your personal experience of the New Birth in Jesus Christ. (Be as brief as possible, but include the approximate date you were born again.)

Spouse's Answer (to above question):

5. Have all those in your family, who are seeking membership, received Christ?*

If not, to your knowledge, who has not yet received Christ?

6. Have you been baptized in water by immersion?*

Approximate Date:

Has your spouse been baptized in water by immersion?

Approximate Date:

Have your children been baptized in water by immersion?

Approximate Date(s):

7. Have you received the baptism in the Holy Spirit by faith with the evidence of speaking in other tongues?*

Has your spouse received the baptism in the Holy Spirit by faith with the evidence of speaking in other tongues?

Have your children received the baptism in the Holy Spirit by faith with the evidence of speaking in other tongues?

8. Do you believe in the principle of the tithes and offerings? Are you willing to faithfully support the ministry of this church with your prayers, dedication and finances as God enables and directs you?*

Spouse (same question as above)?

9. Why do you feel that you want to enter into a "family" relationship with this church body?*

Spouse's answer (to above question):

10. Do you share and embrace the pastoral vision for church growth, evangelism and making disciples?*

Spouse (same question as above)?

11. What gifts, talents and abilities do you feel you are willing to contribute to this church?*

Spouse's answer (to above question):

12. Have you read and do you understand the Statement of Faith?* (Click here to read/review our Statement of Faith.)

Spouse (same question as above)?

13. Are you in agreement with our Statement of Faith?*

Spouse (same question as above)?

If no, what area(s) are you not in agreement?

14. Have you attended the Foundations Class?*

When did you attend the Foundations Class?

15. For how long have you faithfully attended Light of the World Church?* (Months/Years)

For how long has your spouse faithfully attended Light of the World Church? (Months/Years)

16. Do you understand that once you have been received into membership at LOTW Church, you are entitled to all the privileges, which are listed in the "Membership Has Its Privileges" brochure?*

Spouse (same question as above)?

17. I understand that part of being a member of LOTW Church means that I choose to get involved serving in an area of ministry. I understand that there are requirements that I must meet to begin serving. I also trust in God’s direction and timing, and in the wisdom of the leadership at LOTW Church where my involvement in ministry is concerned.*

Spouse (same question as above)?

18. Do you understand that we, at LOTW Church, operate under a pastor-led form of church government (as explained in our Foundations Class)? Do you understand that LOTW Church is affiliated with Rhema Bible Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA? Do you understand that Pastor Matthew Buckley is licensed and ordained through the Rhema Ministerial Association International, and is accountable ministerially to the leaders of Rhema Bible Church? Do you understand that Pastor and Mrs. Buckley, working with the LOTW Church advisory board, and with the counsel of LOTW Church leaders, are ultimately responsible for the fiscal decisions, accountabilities, and determinations that must be made?*

Spouse (same question as above)?

19. Do you understand that your membership rights may be suspended or revoked, as deemed necessary by the spiritual leaders of this church, by unrepentant violation of scriptural principles?* (This includes the spreading of discord, murmuring, and gossip among this church family.)

Spouse (same question as above)?

20. Do you understand that your membership at Light of the World Church is completely voluntary, and you have been neither coerced, nor will you be maintained with force by the leadership of LOTW Church? You are free to withdraw your membership at any time, for any given reason.*

Spouse (same question as above)?

21. Will you notify the Pastors, if at any time in the future, your personal belief system is different from any of the stated beliefs of this church family in the areas of doctrine, church government, or ethical practices?*

Spouse (same question as above)?

22. Will you give the Pastors of this church the honor of a personal meeting with you if at any time in the future you decide to leave this church family?*

Spouse (same question as above)?

Any additional comments or questions:

I have completed the “Application for Church Membership" at Light of the World Church, have taken the Foundations Class, and understand the rights and responsibilities that are mine. I do hereby voluntarily request to be received into membership at Light of the World Church.

Once your online application is submitted, a member of our ministry staff will contact you so we can get your signature on a physical copy of your application.