Ministry of Helps Opportunities

HELPS MINISTRY DEFINITION: To “minister” is to serve; and the phrase “ministry of helps is simply HELPING TO SERVE. Church is a great place to make use of your God-given talents in away that will positively affect eternity for countless people.

READ OUR VISION FOR LOTW CHURCH. This is the end result we are striving toward…nations and generations experiencing the goodness of God; telling of His love everywhere, in awe of God’s faithfulness; discovering purpose and walking out that purpose successfully.

IT’S A BIG VISION. And it takes a team to accomplish a vision. You are invited to run with us and to accomplish this vision together.

DISCOVER WHERE YOU FIT. Look through the opportunities available. See what interests you and jump in! Training is provided for every area and there is a great network of leaders already in place ready to help you discover where you belong.



Time Required



To matain order and a welcoming atmosphere during the service; to assist with prayer lines

30 minutes prior to and after service

Mrs. Chamada Moseki


To welcome people as they arrive, to assist with prayer cloths for prayer lines, to assist with visitor/information table after service

30 minutes prior to and after service

Mrs. Chamada Moseki

Children’s Ministry

To minister to children on Sundays on a rotating basis, to communicate with the families of our children

Approximately 1 hour prep time during the week; 30 minutes before and after service

Mrs. Boitshoko

Music Ministry

To lead the congregation in worship with excellence and humility (may involve choir, vocal worship or instrumental worship)

Saturday from 16:00-18:00 and 1 hour before service

Mrs. Buckley

Preliminary Interpreter

To interpret for opening, offering, announcements and closing

30 minutes prior to service

Mogie Mosigi

Message Interpreter

To interpret for the message portion of the service

30 minutes prior to service

Mogie Mosigi

Set Up

To assist with setting up chairs and equipment before service with Care Group Volunteers

1 1/2 hours prior to service

Nyalalani Tabulawa

Tear Down

To assist with packing equipment after service with Care Group Volunteers

30 minutes after service

Nyalalani Tabulawa


To assist with sound levels for rehearsal before and during the service

1 hour before service

Nyalalani Tabulawa

Women’s Ministry

To assist with event planning; ushering/greeting, receiving offering or being an MC for meetings

As needed; meetings are held every second month.

Mrs. Buckley

Men’s Ministry

To assist with event planning; ushering/greeting, receiving offering or being an MC for meetings

As needed; meetings are held every second month.

Mr. Motswaiso


To assist with building, maintenance, landscaping, plumbing, electrical, or cleaning, according to individual skills

As needed

Nyalalani Tabulawa or Mr. Sichone


To assist during special events (cooking, meals for members needing help, assisting guests, decor)

As needed

Mrs. Buckley & Mogie Mosigi


To assist with compiling packets for New Believers and Visitors and other office tasks


Mogie Mosigi & Mrs. Patricia Kombe

Care Group Leader

To prepare for and facilitate Care Group meetings and provide care for those in your group. Lessons and training are provided.

Bible study prep time; meeting time


Care Group Assistant or Intern

To assist the leader in duties pertaining to Care Group: planning activities, attendance, visitation and lesson prep

Bible study prep time (lessons provided); meeting time


Care Group Host

To provide your home as a place for a Care Group to meet

Days vary; home prep time


Village Outreaches

To assist with branch church development through attendance, evangelism outreach and other ministry (children, youth, music, etc.)

Assist with church services and other activities planned



To assist with following up on new converts and first-time visitors

Sunday afternoon or Monday

Mr. Kazembe & Mogie Mosigi

Prayer Room

To visit with new believers after they receive Jesus, providing assurance of salvation. Training is provided.

30 minutes prior to service; a short time after service

Mr. Kazembe

Receive Offering

To present a short (5-7 minute) encouragement before offering is received

Preparation time; 30 minutes prior to service

Mrs. Buckely

Youth Ministry

To assist with youth on Saturdays or Catalyst on Fridays OR to assist with special events

Preparation time plus 2 hours on Friday/Saturday or for an event

Trevor Musa & Mel Mendoza

Singles Ministry

To assist with events and meetings for singles in our church – teaching, event preparation, outreach

Preparation time plus time at event

Dr. and Mrs. Sumbi


To open and close services and make announcements

30 minutes before service

Mrs. Makovore


To meet with those desiring to move forward in their relationship with God

Preparation time; 30 minutes after service

Dr. Moko


To assist with video, social media and presentations


Mrs. Buckley

Book Sales

To assist in setting up books before service, selling after service and then packing

30 minutes prior to and after service

Kennedy Mandigo & Mrs. Shagwa